I am still eclipsed

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I have to admit that I am a fanatic user of Netbeans! Happy user I would say, even though I would really be grateful if they included official MacOSX version and remove this disclaimer - MacOSX version is not officially supported ( Roman can you hear me?). Anyway.

Lately I have been playing with jBPM, so I wanted to see in action JBoss Tools which is a set of plugins on top of eclipse!So I downloaded eclipse europa for j2ee developers +JBoss tools. I tried to start-up Eclipse Noope! Again Nooope! I did some googling and I came up with articles like this.

Let's be honest most probably it's not only Eclipse's fault, Java Support on the Mac is declining - where is Java 6 ( Duuude), at the same time the damn thing wont start!

Ooh well,it's a pitty .I just wanted to test jBPM tools. I need to find other workarounds! I am wondering .is there any plans for jBPM plugins on netbeans?