Javapolis Conference Day Two Photos and short comments
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live podcast from the JavaPosse. Actually it was my second live JavaPosse after Java One! We had beer, Neal Gafter and J.Bloch came on stage together with Carl Quinn and Dick Wall. Tor Norbye and Joe Nuxoll was on screen with a Skype cast - pretty impressive! Neal Gafter was giving away, google blinking badges the coolest freebie I got this year from Javapolis! This Javapolis episode is not yet, available most probably in the next days it will be since it needs some post processing.
The talk of J.Bloch was really great - I think I agree with him on this war of closures.Anyway I will post a bit about that in the future. The good thing is that Neal Gafter and J.Bloch are back together as a team on the Java Puzzlers, and we really had a great fun!
In the JUG leaders BOF I met the very fist sort of woman JUG leader. The creator of the group jduchess, that aims to unite all the women Java developers!She is going to be part of the JUG program, and I am very happy a woman is starting such an initiative. As she reported, lots of women from all over the world, do joining this group! Yes yes yes we need more femail Java developers it's a must!